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2030: The Ends of Worlds
The Hindu Maha Puranas describe the present as the mere beginning of the worst of the four world ages: the age of conflict and sin, marked by strife, discord, quarrel or contention. The Kali Yuga lasts 432,000 years, and we’re 5,122 years in.
It’s entirely plausible that the world began to end 5,122 years ago.
The contemporary study of cultural evolution refers to terms often brought over from biological evolution, terms such as
niche selections (the point where a new behavioural or cultural trait emerges),
adaptive radiation (the growth of popularity of this trait), and
maximum complexity (new ways to exhibit this particular behaviour or culture become rarer and rarer).
I refer above to one particular niche selection which I see as one of the teardrops of cultural evolution leading to a concept we now know as modern civilisation… which in itself is a combination of two murky and wicked concepts:
Consider that there is a point where modernity evolves into Modernity with a capital M, refering to institutionalised Western modernity…