Dear B. Lorraine Smith,
Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm in our work. Here at, we take pride in offering world-class thought leadership and consultancy in the very challenging area of Plantation Sustainability, which we see as ripe for opportunity to bring about a beautiful, regenerative planet where humans are central to its beauty.
It is imperative for us to work together to address these challenges urgently, as required by the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals. In particular, Target 8.7 on the elimination of child labour has a deadline of 2025! We have a lot of work to do in a very short period of time to still be able to claim success.
At, we have already booked ahead a series of Mediterranean yacht parties (we have made repeated appeals to rent the luxury yachts confiscated from Russian oligarchs by European authorities *wink wink*) and #girlpower celebrities (Rihanna has given us a tentative thumbs up, while Elsa Majimbo and Mimiyuuuh have already confirmed - don't worry, we have also extended invitations to Célia Xakriabá, Greta Thunberg, Xiye Bastida and of course Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) in 2025, and would be sorely, sorely disappointed to have to shelve our plans. We hope #naturefuture will consider joining us in working towards being able to celebrate the elimination of child labour globally in 2025.
Thank you for noticing our meticulous attention to detail and quality, and we are so grateful for your very insightful questions. At, we are very supportive of reflective introspection and self care, there is almost nothing more important (except maybe working towards sustainability certification after deep introspection)!
To answer your beautiful questions:
"Am I a good fit for the Starter Pack?"
Our Plantation Sustainability Starter Pack is for EVERYONE. We recognise that different professionals and different companies may be on different parts of the journey, but we have strived to ensure the Starter Pack supports everyone where they are! We believe strongly in moving at the speed of trust and creating space for organisations to work effectively and systematically towards eliminating the structural oppression they profit from. Systems change through international, multi-lateral collaboration is hard work!
"Will the Starter Pack help me address the paradox between inspiration and existential dread I feel in my sector?"
Yes! The Starter Pack is designed to help you find your place in your sector, as explained above.
It can help you address the paradox by focussing on how you can apply the Starter Pack in specific situations. The Starter Pack is designed to be modular, like LEGO pieces you can reconfigure and reassemble for your needs! If you've ever seen The LEGO Movie then you'll know just how much this is a superpower! This skill can be developed with practice, but that's where the Starter Pack helps get you.. started!
"Do you have any guidance on the order of the Starter Pack steps in navigating the unknown unknowns?"
This is such a difficult question, and yet so important to be exploring such confusing areas! We are currently working with Wiley on publishing "Plantation Sustainability for DUMMIES" that will present solutions in navigating four common scenarios. We provide 25 simple steps in each scenario to show you how to best nagivate unknown unknowns with agility and flexibility! To stay updated with the latest on "Plantation Sustainability for DUMMIES", sign up to our newsletter at
"Will the Starter Pack help me work with my executives and board members on the connection between our business model, child labour and biodiversity loss?"
The short answer is - to some extent, yes, but in reality, no. You'll have to wait for "Plantation Sustainability for DUMMIES" to find out (;
At this point we can't share too much more unfortunately!
"Can I get a discount?"
We totally understand that every little helps in our challenging economic circumstances.
The Starter Pack is available for FREE with a Global North Plus ticket to "Intro to Decolonial Sustainability!
You might be happy to know that a 50% discount is also available to subscribers of to our "Moving At The Speed of Trust" Learning Journey, which is a monthly subscription with a minimum of 12 months.
We hope this helps you manage your finances in the way that you need! Self care is of utmost importance! We all need down time every once in a while to be able to restore and rejuvenate in order to come back to the hard work of saving the world.
We hope we have satisfactorily answered your questions!
We are very much looking forward to hearing your thoughts as a regular supporter of our work as we continue to develop useful products supporting sustainability professionals in Plantation Sustainability.
In compassionate community,
Samantha Suppiah
Plantation Sustainability Specialists, Inc.