Don't feel sad! I do not. This is reality for most of humanity.
I'm actually pretty accepting and lighthearted about the whole thing. Folk like to think of me as angry, upset and depressed so that they can pity me and tell me how brave and strong I am. We don't need to be patronised with thoughts and prayers, we need powerful voices on our side to inspire real action.
To be clear, my hope is that you might be able to use your energy, your platform and your power to make change in the Global North.
I recognise that you, Desiree, are trying to do more of that every day, and I appreciate your efforts on this long journey.
I write this message for many others too.
The best way I can see for you and others like yourself to stand in solidarity with the Global South is to be actively involved in systems change in the Global North - to decolonise and repatriate.
Support decolonisation and repatriation efforts where you are. You will find them if you only look.