Here are some additional reflections and responses sparked by comments on LinkedIn.
2nd May 2021: Reshare by regenerative business advisor B. Lorraine Smith
Comment by strategic advisor Garry Turner:
Wow and ouch in equal measure. Stunning as always from Sam, powerful stuff.
My response:
Cheers Lorraine and Garry. This is about worldviews and hegemony, and I'm always surprised that it draws ouch's from folk. That says to me that folk are completely clueless about the worldview they exist within (and perpetuate) - hence my frequent question, "can a fish question water?"
It also says that this parasitic hegemony is at the very core of individuals' - nay, not beliefs - identities. It's so far outside of individuals' capacities to imagine coexisting plural worlds even though that is an accurate description of our biodiverse ecologies and humanities.
7th May 2021: Reshare by coaching psychologist Alison Whybrow
Comment by Alison:
As I sit back from reading this this morning, I am reflecting on 'oneness' - because we are all one in certain ways - we are all interconnected, interbeings on a planet that each of us breathes on, feeds on and loves on. There is a oneness embedded in natural laws.
So Samantha Suppiah the sense I'm making is that complexity in the oneness has been corrupted when we come to colonisation. We are not alone as a species, where one group within takes this approach of overreach - but we who are overreaching fool ourselves into thinking we are different, better than, believing in our way is the way. And, our capacity for conscious reflection does mean we don't have to take this 'one system approach'. Close attention to everything we do, from how we think, how we show up in every conversation, in every action required.
I'm seeing this overreach happen in the climate work now as we with colonised minds fall into traps as we try to claim ownership over language, phrases and ideas without realising the interbeingness of our existence and in doing so - we are perpetuating a defunct and dying, privileged power system. Raised consciousness required at pace - and compassionate attention to enable all to learn and grow.
My response:
"We are all one in certain ways" - philosophically, yes, but are we humans using our behaviourable flexibility to act like it? No. In that sense, no, we are NOT one. Referencing the philosophy is therefore bastardisation, greenwashing. Not based upon the behaviours exhibited in the real world.
This is the thief who justifies theft by saying "the world is ours" and also, "my way is the best way".
It is not complexity that has been corrupted imho, it is collective morality.
It is the egocentric versus the ecocentric in cultural hegemony.