How corporate “sustainability” evolves into hyper-colonial “regeneration”

Heavily featuring white male fragility displayed through patterns of behaviour that are surprisingly acceptable and relatable through an enforced and acquired palate for colonial hegemony

Samantha Suppiah
16 min readApr 12, 2022

Coloniser human beings and colonised human beings are very trainable. With the right incentives, training just takes time.

New age White woman with dreadlocks sitting in nature burning sage (Renphoto, 2016). “Renee is a lifelong, self-taught artist and photographer, inspired to create works of art from the soul. She is also a Reiki Master, runs sacred cacao (raw chocolate) heart-opening ceremonies, and is a professional tarot reader, often reading at private events. When collaborating with people, whether in a photo shoot or a custom painting, she loves tapping into the creative universe to capture their beautiful essence of being through visual expression.”

A reminder of our contexts

White Europeans destroyed their ecocentric indigenous cultures a thousand years ago (“Burn her at the stake!”), pursuing a growth-based empire model centred upon the city of excess consumption for the ruling classes. They prioritised the whims of their emotionally-detached, extroverted, hyper-masculine men who sought to lead armies and vanquish whomever they declared war upon. The desire for ever-increasing power and control was fed like a cultural wildfire, burning for centuries, sustained by ecocide and ethnocide. With the books always written by the victors, nothing stood in the way.

With this cancerous expansion, their enemies became people who looked more and more unlike them. It became easier and easier to justify the growing violence they inflicted onto others by…



Samantha Suppiah
Samantha Suppiah

Written by Samantha Suppiah

Southeast Asian trickster. Design strategist for decolonial sustainability & regeneration.

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