Learnt long ago
Every nice encounter with a coloniser
I’ve been through it
Every earnest, tearful apology for their ignorance
Every commitment to “unlearn”, “do better”, “be accountable”
I’ve sat through it
Hugs, hand squeezes, empty sympathetic stares
Ignorance, fantasy, unapologetic whiteness
Nothing privilege can’t wash down
I’ve seen through it
Colonial hegemony insures white supremacy
In every face and every shade
In every language and every parade
In every institution and every political charade
I’ve grimaced through it
“Exotic”, “refreshing”, “bold”, “impactful”
Compliments from fascinatingly badly-dressed
Moneyed influentials manufactured by coloniality
“Empowerment”, “resilience”, “courage”, “strength”
The self-soothing colonised urged on by their oppressors
I’ve cringed through it
Enthusiastically waving the banner of “inclusion”
Incessant ego-petting of insignificant, irrelevant concerns
Resident Project Complicator, Paralyser, Stonewaller
Professional Gaslighter
Crocodile Tear Farm
Telenovela Producer
I’ve waded through it
Surrounded by predators and their grinning false selves
Openness is folly; betrayal is assured
Go ahead, stay
I’m long away
Refuse to waste what little life I have
I’ve burned through it
Don’t be naive
Of course I know how to play
My choice is borne from my agency
I am not your diversity metric
Learnt that long ago